JavaScript Practice Problem Set 4

Junior Frontend Engineers (Beginner)

State Management

Implement a counter component with React’s useState hook.

Problem Description:

In this exercise, you will create a simple counter component using React’s useState hook. The goal is to familiarize yourself with React hooks and managing component state. Your counter component should increment and decrement a count value when buttons are pressed.


  • Set up a basic React project using Create React App
  • Create a functional React component
  • Use the useState hook to manage the count state
  • Implement increment and decrement functionality
  • Display the current count value in the component

Junior Backend Engineers (Beginner)

Simple Middleware

Create a simple logging middleware for an Express application.

Problem Description:

In this exercise, you will create a simple logging middleware for an Express application. The middleware should log basic information about incoming requests, such as the method and URL, to the console. This task will help you understand how to create middleware and where to place it in your Express app.


  • Set up a basic Express API if you don’t already have one
  • Create a logging middleware that logs request details
  • Apply the middleware to your Express app
  • Ensure the middleware logs information for every incoming request
  • Test your middleware by making sample requests to the server

Senior Frontend Engineers (Intermediate)

Custom Hooks

Create a custom hook for fetching data from an API in React.

Problem Description:

In this exercise, you will create a custom hook in React to fetch data from an API. The custom hook will help you encapsulate and reuse the logic for data fetching, making your components cleaner and more maintainable. This task will help you to improve your skills in writing reusable hooks and managing API calls.


  • Set up a React project and create a custom hook file
  • Implement the logic to fetch data from an API within the custom hook
  • Use the fetch state to manage loading and error states
  • Use your custom hook in a functional component
  • Render the data retrieved from the API in the component

Senior Backend Engineers (Intermediate)

Caching with Redis

Integrate Redis to cache responses in an Express application.

Problem Description:

In this exercise, you will integrate Redis into your Express application to cache responses for frequently accessed endpoints. This will improve the performance and scalability of your API by reducing the load on your database. This task will help you learn about caching mechanisms and how to integrate Redis with Node.js.


  • Set up a Redis server and install the Redis package for Node.js
  • Connect your Express application to the Redis server
  • Implement caching logic for specific endpoints
  • Handle cache invalidation to ensure data consistency
  • Test your caching implementation by making requests to the server

Staff Frontend Engineers (Advanced)

Advanced Testing

Write comprehensive end-to-end tests using Cypress.

Problem Description:

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Staff Backend Engineers (Advanced)

CI/CD Pipeline

Set up a CI/CD pipeline for a Node.js project using GitHub Actions and deploy to a cloud provider.

Problem Description:

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We hope you find these problems challenging and rewarding. Stay tuned for the next issue, where we’ll tackle more intriguing problems to help you hone your skills. Happy coding!

